As I approach the end of this A-Z Blogging Challenge, I want to send you all my eXtreme thanks…for your support and encouragement!
I’ve received some wonderful feedback via comments, Facebook, personal messages and discussions I’ve had with clients and people around the streets.
This A-Z Blogging Challenge has taught The Tax Chic a thing or two as well:
- Writing is fun…I might not be an award winning author, but being able to translate one’s thoughts into words on a page (or rather a screen…) is hugely satisfying!
- When I write, I write how I talk – one of the comments I received from an old school friend was that she heard my voice when she was reading the blog posts (I hope that’s a good thing!), and
- My penchant for taking notes and being organised has really paid off!
Now let me tackle these last couple of posts…oh, and thanks again!