On top of that there is the planning required and the money matters that need to be dealt with.
Depending on the nature of the work you do, any award you are employed under and the type of employer you work for, travel expenses may be treated differently.
In some instances your employer may simply reimburse you the full amount of expenses incurred upon presentation of receipts – this is by far the easiest method for employees, as the amount received is not treated as income and the expenses are not deductible – so there is nothing to enter into your tax return.
However many employers may be required, or choose to, provide a travel allowance. This travel allowance is often in line with the recommended amounts as prescribed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
Each year the ATO release a Taxation Determination setting out the amounts they consider to be ‘reasonable’ for claims for domestic and overseas travel expenses. These expenses include accommodation, meals and deductible expenses which are incidental to travel.
If you receive a travel allowance, you should familiarise yourself with the record keeping requirements…you can read more on the ATO website here.