Perhaps you’re thinking that a headline like this is going to lead to an article of succession planning in business? But not today, instead I’m sharing this picture of the blue cornflower (the floral symbol for Motor Neurone Disease) in recognition of the 32nd anniversary of my Dad’s passing.
I was reflecting last week and remembering how my Mum and Dad operated a business when I was young – it’s where my love of motorbikes came from.
As franchisees of the Honda brand, Graeme Levett Marine sold and serviced motorbikes, lawnmowers, boats and outboard motors – and I remember a little Honda Civic sitting out the front of the shop when Honda cars were introduced to Australia (the Honda Civic went on to become one of my favourite cars – I’ve owned three of them in my driving lifetime!)
I have fond memories of visiting “the shop”, sitting on the bikes, climbing in the boats and pretending to drive the ride-on lawnmowers (it’s about as close to a lawnmower that I’ve ever been!), and while I didn’t realise it at the time, I expect this is exactly where my entrepreneurial seed was first planted.
And now all of these years later, when people hear my surname is Levett, I still get asked if I am related to Graeme – it’s kind of nice to know his legacy lives on.
To all the family businesses out there, keep up the good work, you never know who or what you are inspiring.
To anyone who has also lost their Dad, to all of you out there fighting MND, and to your families, my thoughts are with you.