In just four short weeks (give or take a day or two), many of us will be taking a break to celebrate Christmas.
For the first time in quite a few years, I am pleased to say I have started my Christmas shopping and plans are coming along nicely. In years gone by I’ve been super duper organised but lately that organisation has fallen by the way-side as business pursuits have kept me busy – but I’m back on track for now!
My personal advice for making it through the ‘silly season’ includes:
- start a Christmas Club savings account today and be prepared financially for next year (mine helps cover Christmas and birthday gifts through December and January with a little splurge money for moi)
- make a list (and check it twice) of each present you need to buy
- allocate a dollar amount to each gift and stick to it – you’d be surprised what you can find on sale to fit with your budget!
- divvy up the catering among your family and friends so that everyone shares the load, both in organising and spending
- drink water between alcoholic drinks (do as I say not as I do)
- relax and enjoy yourself – eat that extra after dinner mint and indulge in the cheese platter, Christmas comes but once a year (except if you do Christmas in July, then it comes twice a year but you can still enjoy yourself!)
Tell me your tips so I can add them to my list for next year!
Please note all advice contained herein is general in nature, please discuss with your financial advisor before making an investment.