I recently had another session with my mentor where we reviewed the year just gone, and talked about my achievements – always a great conversation to have – you should try it!
Of course for me, my greatest achievement, career wise, for 2014 was the launch of The Tax Chic!
My greatest personal achievement was probably turning 40…and living to tell the tale!
I really want to thank you all for your encouragement and continued support as I navigate my way around social media and the world of blogging…
The Tax Chic will be taking a break between Christmas and New Year – although the internet is never far away so please get in Contact if you need.
Blogging will return on Monday 5th January, 2015 – until then you can keep an eye on things via:
Again, thankyou for your support and I wish you, your family and friends a Happy Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year – I look forward to seeing you in 2015, it’s going to be magnificent!