The return of kids to school, also sees the return of many parents to work – they’ve had their last holiday for the year until Christmas comes around (that’s twice in two posts that I’ve mentioned Christmas…it must be on my mind!)
They’re also planning for any school changes in 2015, whether that be young ones starting primary school, tweens moving to secondary school, or the big kids going on to university or further education…
Each of these moves has an impact on the dynamics and operations of the family unit – and each presents its own set of financial challenges.
My advice to parents who are embarking on any of these changes is:
- take a look at the Department of Human Services website to review your entitlements
- speak to your Accountant if you need assistance with your household budget
- please don’t be afraid to contact your school if you are experiencing financial hardship, there are many avenues of assistance available
Of course you don’t need to be a parent to review your household budget, there are many of us who could do with taking a look at this area (me included!)
Remember…40 km per hour in the school zone!