The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) have been listening…yes, they have!
Recently, Chris Jordan (the Commissioner of Taxation), made a speech which announced some new initiatives by the ATO to try and reduce the amount of red tape for small businesses on the basis that “meeting your obligations takes you away from your real business and what you are good at”…
Three of the primary aims of the measures are to provide a service which is more personalised, accessible and reliable, take account of the impact their activities have on the everyday running of small businesses and their cash flow, and work harder to ensure that information and advice is provided in a streamlined, personalised, accurate and consistent manner.
Some of the new initiatives announced include:
- an after hours call back service
- small business fix-it squads
- a “business friendly” approach to managing small business debt
- small business newsroom, and
- a web-chat service
These measures were designed in consultation with 24 small business owners, so if you have the chance to try them out, please do so and report back with your experience!
If you would like to read the full speech, please click here.
Great news!
Yes it is Dannielle, lets hope they keep listening!