One of my guilty pleasures is curling up on the couch with a hot drink or a glass of wine and watching a DVD.
I don’t watch a lot of television, in fact I find I go through stages where I don’t have much time to watch television, and it’s almost impossible to be home at the same time every week to watch the same show (and I’m yet to invest in a recorder as I can’t convince myself that I would remember to watch the shows I’ve recorded!)
So instead, I often turn to DVD’s of TV shows so I can watch an episode here and there when I have time…when Frivolous Friday calls, I’ll let you know what it is I’m watching…currently it’s one of my favourites…One Tree Hill…
Set in Tree Hill, North Carolina, One Tree Hill follows the lives of Lucas and Nathan Scott (…brothers to different mothers), along with their friends Haley, Brooke and Peyton.
Over the course of nine seasons…it starts in high school and follows them to graduation…then jumping ahead to the post college years, we meet them again as adults.
At times (OK, a lot of the time…) it’s far fetched and not realistic…but quite often it touches on some very important subjects (teen pregnancy, suicide, marriage, divorce, death and business…to name a few).
At the end of the day, if a TV show or a movie is mildly entertaining and can take me to another place, even if just for an hour or two, I’m pretty happy…so I’ve just put Season One back in the DVD player, and I’ll work my way through to Season Nine, that’ll keep me occupied!
Has anyone seen One Tree Hill? Your thoughts?
Classic. Go ravens!! P.s. I’m team Peyton.
Once I finish entourage for the 8th time, I mite flick this in.
Hi SL, I’ve heard about Entourage, but have not seen it in full…perhaps I’ll take a look when I finish OTH!
One tree hill is one of my all time favourite shows! You can never watch it too many times!! I’m still sad that it only went to season 9..
I go by the same mantra Jo, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen it!
Love love love One Tree Hill! My eldest is named after this show! You’re right sometimes it is frivolous but it does also deal with some important issues for young people. It is getting a little vintage now but still great tv, hope you enjoyed your ‘frivolous Friday’ viewing!
Hi Stacie, you’ll have to stay tuned to future episodes of Frivolous Friday…and see what other old school shows I pull out of the DVD cabinet!