But what about you? Do you enjoy it?
Many of you know that I am the Branch Director of Business in Heels – South West Victoria. When I launched this Branch back in 2015, I embraced the chance to bring an opportunity to the business and professional women of south west Victoria – an opportunity to meet and mingle, an opportunity to become known and an opportunity to cement yourself as a leader in your field (and an opportunity to wear your pretty heels too!).
Across the globe, more than 70,000 women have joined in the festivities of Business in Heels, and I am delighted to have our region of the world covered, but I really need your help to ensure this continues to be a success!
Running a regular event is not an easy task (well it’s not easy for me…), I have committed my time and my money and my knowledge, and I will continue to do so BUT, what exactly do you want from networking?
If you know our group and you’ve seen or attended our events, please let me know what you like, please let me know what you don’t like and please let me know what you want from networking – because I want to make this the greatest opportunity YOU have in south west Victoria to benefit from networking!