Every now and then it is a great idea to take stock of where you are in your career or your business or in relation to your goals and I encourage this practice whole-heartedly.
We need to regularly review in order to make adjustments (if required) and to set new targets as we move forward – there’s no fun in standing still.
So, what holds us back from aiming high and really going for change? Usually it is fear…does this resonate with you?
Yesterday I had lunch with Nicole Kidman (the real one – of course I wasn’t the only one there, I shared lunch with about 1500 of my closest friends and I’ll share more about this event at a later stage), but one of the comments Nicole made was “Find courage by not over-thinking things as you can always talk yourself out of doing something. If you try and it doesn’t work, you can always get back up”
Let’s stop over-thinking things, let’s talk ourselves into trying and let’s help each other to get back up if we fall.
Love this post, Bronwyn, and so true, particularly for soloists!
PS Would be good to catch up
Thanks for the feedback Marion!