At 5am yesterday morning I was forced to send a text message to the manager of the gym I teach at, to say I would be unable to take my 6am class…I felt terrible having to do that, I mean it was 5am! But after a sleepless night and feeling like I had swallowed a packet of razor blades, I was really left with no choice.
Under normal circumstances though, I wouldn’t suggest a text message as the sole means of informing your employer that you are sick!
Many organisations offer guidelines to staff on the steps they should take if they are unable to attend work – but if your workplace hasn’t done so, then I suggest the following:
- make personal contact by phone as early as possible
- if you are unable to talk, a text message or e-mail may suffice, but a follow up phone call from a family member or friend would be appropriate
- it is reasonable to take one day of leave without obtaining a Medical Certificate
- if more than one day of leave is required, a Medical Certificate should be obtained
- if your day of absence is linked to a weekend or public holiday, it is also good practice tro obtain a Medical Certificate
The conditions of your sick or personal leave will be included in your employment contract or Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA), and in the absence of either of these, you can refer to the National Employment Standards (NES) for guidance.
PS If anyone else is feeling poorly, you have my sympathy xo