The 2016 Finding my Feet – Parisian Retreat will be held from 4th November – 12th November, 2016 in the heart of Paris – and I am excited!
Many of you who keep up to date with my antics will know that I travelled to Paris in 2015 and I can honestly say that I returned a different woman – I was inspired, I was liberated and I was motivated – and I literally felt as though I had found my feet! My only problem was to work out how I could bottle that feeling and share it with you? This is how…
Join me for 9 days of living in your own gorgeous apartment in the 2nd arrondissement and join in a coaching program that will change your life!
You’ll receive the benefit of a 12 session coaching program and additional resources, all while enjoying the luxury that is Paris – there is a beauty in Paris like no-where else in the world…she whispers to you as you stroll the banks of the Seine River, as you sit on the terrace of a Café and as you immerse yourself in French culture – you can truly see all that is the City of Light!
Finding my Feet – Parisian Retreat is hosted by Bron Levett Coaching with administration support from The Tax Chic. For further information and to receive a brochure, please contact us here or via Facebook.