While I firmly believe you still need to “know your stuff”…the “who you know” can be very important too, not just in business but in life!
I am always very humbled when I receive some correspondence that comes from someone who has heard a good review of me…it helps to remind me that I must be doing something right! And referrals/connections are an integral part of generating business for me, as they are for many business owners.
But when thinking about how the world works with connections, I have recently been well and truly floored by the people who have come into my life…and I mean that in a good way (in fact, I mean that in a really good way!)
Earlier this year I was introduced to a lady at a fundraiser, subsequent to that we had a chance meeting…and I am pleased to now call her a friend. This lady led me to another professional I’ve had recent contact with, and at a seminar she was presenting just last weekend, I reconnected with someone I have not seen for over 30 years (and we are both still in shock!)
For me, this is a classic example of the world working in mysterious ways – and it’s now up to us to keep these relationships going…I wonder what the world has in store for us?