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It’s 2016…well 2015/16!

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Each and every year I look forward to today – it’s almost like a new beginning, albeit halfway through the year!

The days and weeks leading up to 30th June are traditionally busy times for accountants and their clients (as well as financial advisors and lawyers), with lots of plans being implemented…all of a sudden there is a very urgent deadline!

So why do we look forward to today?  Because if it wasn’t done at the end of yesterday…then it has no impact on last financial year and the pressure is off!

But that doesn’t mean we stop working…oh no, no, no…in fact I really love this time of the year – having the chance to help everyone lodge their tax return and (hopefully) get a tax refund – as well as assisting businesses to put plans in place for the next financial year.

As a business you should be looking to finalise your budget for 2015/16 and fine tune any accounting systems – all while reconciling last financial year.  I know many of you leave your financial statements and tax returns to late in the year to be prepared, but there is no penalty for getting them done earlier!  Just because you complete them earlier, doesn’t mean you have to actually lodge them, and you certainly don’t have to pay any earlier…so have a think about it.

The Tax Chic is here to help with all of the above, I look forward to hearing from you.



Working together…business and me!

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Following on from “The process – how we can work together!” I received a number of enquiries regarding “the process” if you are a business owner or investor?

As with individuals, it’s all about simplicity and making things as easy as possible – all while helping you to understand how the numbers and finances work for you.

Regardless of what you need, whether it be:

  • a new accounting system
  • training
  • procedures and record keeping
  • explanations
  • budgets or report preparation
  • tax advice

…simply complete the Contact form or e-mail with some details – too easy!

Something else I get asked a lot is in regards to when is the right time to speak to The Tax Chic? The answer to that is…anytime! Please don’t worry about whether it is the start, middle or end of the financial year…the right time to contact me is when you are ready to receive genuine help!

And remember, The Tax Chic is available for ongoing and one-off consultations – and I promise you will always walk away having learnt something new!



The process – how we can work together!

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????So you think you might want to work with The Tax Chic, but you’re not sure of the process? It’s really simple…

Part of the philosophy of The Tax Chic is making the process of lodging your tax return as easy as possible – and if you’re a salary and wage earner working for someone else, you really don’t want to have to take time off to go to your Accountant!

The Tax Chic is able to attend to the preparation and lodgement of your tax return, all via e-mail…the steps to follow are:

  1. Complete the Contact page or send an e-mail to so I know who you are and what you need from me
  2. I will e-mail you a form to complete and return so I can add you to my Tax Agent Lodgement list and obtain details of any information the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) are holding on your behalf (ie: PAYG Payment Summary details, interest received etc)
  3. Between us we will fill in the blanks via e-mail
  4. Upon completion I will e-mail you a final copy of your Income Tax Return for your records, an Electronic Lodgement Declaration (ELD) to be signed and returned to me and your invoice for payment

Four simple steps – too easy really!

The current fees for Individual Income Tax Return Preparation are $132 for a standard tax return – there are additional fees for rental properties, dividends and complex deductions and the like – I will ALWAYS advise you in advance if you “fall outside a standard tax return”

I look forward to hearing from you!




Hot tips for individuals at EOFY Part 2

hot tips

Welcome to Part 2 with more hot tips for individuals…

Many of you travel along nicely all year without giving much thought to the following points…and that’s perfectly fine – but the end of the financial year is a great opportunity to check in with these areas of your life and finances, and perhaps make a few changes to ensure you are on track!

Today’s hot tips are:

  1. Review your insurances – particularly those protecting your income and your livelihood, but also those relating to your assets.
  2. Is your superannuation lining up to meet your goals? Check in with your superannuation fund and your investment strategy, also ensure all of your contributions have been deposited to your account.
  3. Take stock of your career goals – are you happy? Are you where you want to be? What can you do to help yourself?
  4. Whether it’s a rethink of your career goals as per the above point, or just in general, is there some training you need to undertake to enhance your skills or advance your career?  Many Universities and TAFE colleges have a mid-year intake, and there are an abundance of online courses which can be started at any time.
  5. Do you have a personal or household budget? Now is a great time to prepare a budget for the next financial year and keep yourself accountable, especially if you have a savings goal in mind!

So…if you’re impressed by these hot tips and you’re keen to have The Tax Chic prepare your 2015 tax return…complete the contact form, or keep an eye out for the next post to find out more about the process!
