Category Archives: Uncategorized

Partnering with Business in Heels!

corproate-logo-png1I’m so excited about the opportunities available through Business in Heels…

You may recall my recent announcement that I am the Branch Director of Business in Heels – South West Victoria (you can read about that here) – but it’s not just my business that will benefit from the events we hold – your business can benefit too!

Three of our most popular partnership opportunities are:

Event Speaking Partner

  • providing a fabulous opportunity to present your business to the wonderfully savvy women in the room at our event, and to our online sole sisters.  A first hand opportunity to make a short presentation on the night and display promotional materials will see your business concept reach an engaged audience in the most simple and cost effective way.

Door Prize Partner

  • by providing a door prize of significant value, you are providing the opportunity for one of our lovely attendees to experience your business first hand.  This can provide word of mouth and testimonial value that money simply cannot buy.

Goodie Bag Partner

  • sometimes you just want to get your goods and services “out there”…and our Goodie Bag is a fabulous opportunity to do just that!  Product samples, discount vouchers and offers or information fliers will be delivered directly into the hands of everyone who attends our event – too easy!

There are many additional benefits to these partnerships that can be discussed on an individual basis, so if you are interested please contact Bron Levett directly to discuss – you can use the Contact form or email: I look forward to hearing from you!



I need your private health insurance statement…

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????A quick note to remind you that as your accountant, I need a copy of your private health insurance statement!

Quite often most of the dollar data can be found in the pre-filling report I access from the Australian Taxation Office(ATO), but that report doesn’t provide ALL of the information I need…

The pre-filling report includes information such as the fund name, full premium cost and rebate received split into the two time frames 1st July – 31st March and 1st April – 30th June covered by the financial year – but I can’t see from this report details of how many days you were covered (if only for part of the year) or what type of cover you held (i.e.: hospital, extras or both)!

I also often hear “But I claim the rebate as I go so there’s nothing more to do”…but what if your income was higher than you had expected meaning you have over-claimed your rebate?  Or what of your income was lower than expected meaning you had under-claimed your rebate?  This has an impact too…

Plus – my software won’t allow me to lodge an income tax return where I try to advise that you held private health insurance but don’t provide ALL of the detail… (that’s not just my software, it’s all accounting software)…

In short – I need your private health insurance statement!  Ta…



Payroll with Xero

xero-certified-advisor-logo-hires-RGBHow quickly does Monday come around??  Almost too quick I’d say – but here we are and today we’re looking at another great feature in the online accounting program Xero.

Historically, payroll is one of the areas most business owners have trouble with – there are many laws to be abided by and the whole payroll process can be extremely time consuming and often open to errors.

With Xero, it’s easy to process payroll, pay superannuation and stay compliant – plus, your payroll information streams directly into your financial accounts and this limits the need for manual data entry thus reducing the probability of errors.

Some of the great things I love about Payroll in Xero include:

  • changes to tax tables and superannuation rates are automatically updated so you don’t need to install any software upgrades
  • you can pay superannuation for your employees at the click of a button
  • filing employee TFN declarations and payment summaries is so easy
  • multiple pay calendars are available (i.e.: weekly, fortnightly and monthly), and it’s easy to add an unscheduled pay run if required
  • deductions, reimbursements and various leave types can all be accounted for
  • timesheets are available and can be prepared by the employer or the employee

Have I sold you on Xero yet? Make sure you read the previous posts on Xero…plus there’s more to come!



Welcome to Sydney!

sydney opera houseI have a confession to make…I’ve written this blog post in advance…so I hope that by the time you are reading this I am actually in Sydney!!

As part of my upcoming trip to Paris (don’t worry…you’ll hear plenty more about this in due course…), I was required to visit Sydney this week for meetings.

So I figured this was a great chance to grab one of my best girlfriends (thanks for coming along T), and take a couple of days to unwind, people watch and drink champagne – don’t you agree??

While we are here I’ll be meeting the other participants for my course in Paris and finding out where I’ll be staying which is really exciting…but the only other thing I absolutely must do while we are here is visit the Lindt Café in Martin Place.

I’m sure you all remember the terrible happenings in December last year, and I won’t go into that now…but it was watching that episode unfold and the aftermath that inspired my Paris trip and I want to visit and pay my respects.

Yes, I’ll probably indulge in a hot chocolate and a Lindt ball or two (maybe six)…but I have a feeling I’ll also need to ensure I’ve got some tissues handy.

Can I ask one thing of you?  Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing right now, please take a moment to remember Katrina Dawson, Tori Johnson and everyone left behind with memories of the experience- and promise me…you’ll get out there and enjoy your life to the full!

That’s all for today xo
