Category Archives: Uncategorized

Remembering Paris!

P1010883I can’t believe it’s been six months since Paris…lucky for me I’m heading to Sydney today to meet up with some of my Parisian writing friends to reminisce – I’m so excited!

This picture of me was taken at the end of Rue Boutarel, the street I called home for my time on Ile Saint Louis – we had the most magnificent view of Notre Dame as you can see here in the background.

Since returning from Paris I have established a Bron Levett Aspiring Author page on Facebook, head on over and take a look if you’d like to keep up to date with that project!

The purpose of the page was to get me used to sharing personal stories and thoughts with an audience wider than my family – I figure if I keep putting it out there that I’m writing a book, I’ll be motivated to continue since I hate letting anyone down and I’ve always been a fan of sticking to a project once I start one!

By the time I touch down in Sydney I’m aiming to deliver the first 25,000 words to the girls for their review – here’s hoping they find there’s something of substance in my attempt to date – wish me luck!



Sold a rental property?

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) are continuing with their data matching program for rental property transactions through until 2017.

The purpose of the program is to ensure taxpayers are meeting their obligations in regards to rental income and Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on the sale of rental properties.

Transactions are being obtained dating back to 20 September, 1985 (the start date of CGT) from the various state and territory land and planning departments as well as bond authorities and it is estimated that as many as 31 million transactions may be identified each year!

One example of the benefit to government coffers is 2014/15 when 8,000 cases were found to have not been treated correctly resulting in an additional $161 million in revenue!*

If you have any concerns regarding your rental property, please get in touch.

*source NTAA The Voice issue 255



Large Corporate Tax Dodgers…

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Here at The Tax Chic my focus is on sole traders and small business – I believe in working with those I know well…

But I recently read an article in my National Tax Accountants Association (NTAA) monthly magazine that referenced the ABC’s “ATO chief issues ‘enough is enough’ ultimatum to corporate tax dodgers” and I thought you might be interested to hear what they had to say?

The NTAA report that Australia’s Commissioner of Taxation has flagged a crackdown on multinationals, saying the ATO has run out of patience with six large corporations which have been avoiding tax.   These six corporations had been moved on to the ATO’s “high risk” list, and the ATO has written to another 60 companies demanding “they get their houses in order”.

I have no problem with anyone legally minimising their tax bill but these companies have been playing games for too long and I’m pleased to see the ATO cracking down on them!




Check your Agent!

hot tipsThe tax Practitioners Board (TPB) are responsible for the registration and regulation of Tax Agents and BAS Agents.

They maintain a register of all Agents and you can search the register anytime here.

But what’s the difference?

A registered Tax Agent can attend to the preparation and lodgement of all taxation documents.

A registered BAS Agent can only attend to the preparation and lodgement of a Business Activity Statement (BAS) or Instalment Activity Statement (IAS)

The Tax Chic is registered Tax Agent!

I’ve read many stories of BAS Agents promoting themselves as a Tax Agent, a recent case saw a company fined $81,500 for unlawfully providing and advertising tax agent services.

I highly recommend you check to see that your advisor is listed on the register, or better yet, come and see The Tax Chic!
