Category Archives: Uncategorized

Networking needs and wants…

As a solo-preneur I love a good networking event – an opportunity to get out of my home office and mingle and communicate with people from all walks of life.

But what about you?  Do you enjoy it?

Many of you know that I am the Branch Director of Business in Heels – South West Victoria.  When I launched this Branch back in 2015, I embraced the chance to bring an opportunity to the business and professional women of south west Victoria – an opportunity to meet and mingle, an opportunity to become known and an opportunity to cement yourself as a leader in your field (and an opportunity to wear your pretty heels too!).

Across the globe, more than 70,000 women have joined in the festivities of Business in Heels, and I am delighted to have our region of the world covered, but I really need your help to ensure this continues to be a success!

Running a regular event is not an easy task (well it’s not easy for me…), I have committed my time and my money and my knowledge, and I will continue to do so BUT, what exactly do you want from networking?

If you know our group and you’ve seen or attended our events, please let me know what you like, please let me know what you don’t like and please let me know what you want from networking – because I want to make this the greatest opportunity YOU have in south west Victoria to benefit from networking!


Happy Valentine’s Day – now how much do you earn?

It’s Valentine’s Day – a day for lovers around the world to shower one another with gifts and love and affection.

Combining two lives in a new way of being takes a lot of work, and included in that is the question of finances.

Do we put all our money together? Do we keep separate accounts? How much should we each contribute to our joint expenses?  So many things to consider…

At some stage after declaring your “coupledom”, you’ll need to consider the appropriate point in time to declare each other as a spouse in your tax return.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO), provide the following definition of “spouse”:

Your spouse includes another person (of any gender) who:

  • you were in a relationship with that was registered under a prescribed state or territory law
  • although not legally married to you, lived with you on a genuine domestic basis in a relationship as a couple

I’ll leave that with you to think about, although I’m sure it can wait for a day other than today – go out and enjoy your Valentine’s Day x



What do emails and the word THINK have in common?

I tried to count how many emails I receive on average in a day, but I lost track – I’m sure this is common for many of us in this fast paced world.  So given that the recipient of any emails we send is probably in the same boat, what can we do to make our email sending more efficient?

We can THINK – it’s a concept that can be (should be?) applied to every email you send.

As you write, ask yourself:

Is it TRUE?




Is it KIND?


Have a THINK about that and let me know what you THINK!



TAKE 2 – ATO systems and ahhh!

TAKE 2 – this mornings blog post disappeared on me!

Oh goodness, the poor Australian Taxation Office (ATO) have had a rough trot of late…

Their online systems were out of action over much of the Christmas break, including the lead in, and just last week they went down again.

This puts a lot of pressure on us as Tax Agents with clients wanting to know the answers to their questions, and us wanting to provide those answers but being unable

They’re not the only ones having IT issues – I’ve noticed these blog posts not posting to Facebook and I’ve been doing so manually, but I’ve just discovered my friends on LinkedIn and Twitter have been missing out for the past three weeks too!

It seems most things with the ATO are back up and running so now I’m in catch up mode – if you’re waiting to hear from me then it certainly shouldn’t be too long and then I’ll start the task of fixing my other IT connection issues…it’s going to be a long IT related week, wish me luck!
