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Lunching with Nicole Kidman

A couple of weeks ago, I got together with about 1500 of my closest friends at Palladium at Crown for a lunch with Hollywood star, Nicole Kidman.

The lunch was presented by Business Chicks.  I’d never been to one of their events before and would like to say ‘kudos’ to the organisers – with so many people in the room everything seemed to run very smooth.

Me being me, I scribbled a few notes during Nicole’s interview with Jess Rowe, here are my take-aways from the day, followed by my own comments:

  • If you promise something, be impeccable with your word (to me this resonates with if you say you are going to do something, then do it)
  • Embrace the power of connections (connections can create opportunity (like speaking to 1500 people in Nicole’s case), networking is paramount to building and fostering connections and this is why I love it!)
  • Choose activities to help you live your purpose (when you are true to your purpose you will shine)
  • Nicole has a passion for supporting first time film directors (I love how this encourages new comers, starting out can be a really difficult time)
  • Find courage by not overthinking things, you can always talk yourself out of doing something but remember you can get up again if you fall (yes, yes and yes!)
  • Losing a loved one can feel like losing your future (your future and the future you changes the moment you lose someone special, wether that is by death or other means, take some time to reflect and be gentle with yourself)
  • No matter how far out a goal seems, set your sights on things and amazing things can happen and out your hand up for things (I’m personally getting better at creating opportunities for myself, anyone can do it)
  • When an opportunity comes along, grab it even if it seems hard (hard is challenging, and challenging is rewarding, do it)

I hope you enjoyed these notes from my lunch, do any of them stand out for you? Let me know…



Cyclone Debbie and natural disasters

The ATO have advised that for taxpayers affected by Cyclone Debbie and flooding, the normal natural disaster procedures for helping victims will apply.

During times of natural disaster, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) respect that taxpayers have many matters of importance to attend to, some of the support available from the ATO includes:

  • allowing lodgement deferrals of activity statements or tax returns without penalty
  • allowing additional time to pay tax debts without incurring general interest charges (GIC)
  • making arrangements for payment of tax debts by instalments
  • remitting penalties that were automatically imposed during the disaster
  • fast-tracking refunds
  • refunding amounts credited to existing debts when the client has entered into a deferral to pay or an arrangement to pay their tax debts
  • conducting field visits to help with reconstructing tax records and making reasonable estimates

Further information can be found on the ATO website here.

If you or someone you know has been affected by a natural disaster, please share this information with them and know the thoughts of The Tax Chic are with you all.


2017 Inspiration Series – April

The April instalment of the Business in Heels – South West Victoria 2017 Inspiration Series is coming up next Wednesday 12th April.

You too can join in the fun and festivities at Proudfoot’s Boathouse from 6.30pm- 8.30pm.

You’ll receive a drink on arrival and canapes prepared from fresh local produce – plus you’ll have the chance to meet and connect with like-minded business and professional women from across our region.

Membership is FREE, and if you join as a member you can come along to all our events for just $40 each – here’s the booking link for next week.

Our inspiring special guest for April is Ann Johnson – Ann has bravely volunteered to share her story and the things that drive her, so we can all learn and be inspired.  PLUS we’ll be supporting one of Ann’s favourite non-profit organisations, the St John of God Hospital Ladies Auxiliary.

One of our March attendees sent this feedback “You delivered a polished and professional event. I think it was lovely how intimate the evening was – people were able to really connect.”  It’s lovely to hear nice things about our events and that our members feel so positive when they leave.

I do hope to see you there, and I would ask that you share the details with your network.

PS As always there is a prize for the best shoe (heel or flat, we don’t mind!)



Happy 400th blog post!

That’s right, since I launched The Tax Chic just over three years ago, I have written 400 blog posts!

When I started out I committed to writing three times per week except public holidays and having some time off over Christmas.

Last year I reduced this to two times per week to provide the time I needed to commit to my studies and other things that have been going on in my life.

I am the kind of person who does what she says she is going to do, and I am so proud to be sitting here writing to you all for the 400th time.

You may now be fully aware that some of The Tax Chic posts are tax and accounting content, and some are more frivolous – in either case you are guaranteed it is me behind the keyboard and I still love sharing pieces of my work and my life with you all.

I hereby give you permission to celebrate with me today – and I thank you all for continuing to read with The Tax Chic!
