Category Archives: Uncategorized

Teams training

I’m back into some training this weekend and I can’t wait!

Heading to Melbourne, I’ll be learning about creating and maintaining high performing teams and emotionally intelligent teams.

This training forms part of the Advanced Diploma in Business and Leadership Coaching that I am currently undertaking, and even though it isn’t ‘traditional accounting training’, it certainly represents learning that can be implemented in ANY business and I look forward to utilising it in the very near future.

If you’re interested to find out more, drop me a line on Monday!


Lest we forget 2017

Here’s a little something I wrote on my Bron Levett – Aspiring Author Facebook page over the weekend:

Today is ANZAC Day, a time for us to all pay our respects to the men and women who fought to give us the freedom we enjoy today.

The playing of The Last Post sends a shiver down my spine, and brings a tear to my eye as I remember my beloved grandfather.

My Papa was a tall and strong silent type, as were many men of his era. But he delighted in all our stories as we did in his. He was smart and funny, and a caring sensitive soul and I miss him dearly (even if he did barrack for Richmond?!)

Please consider purchasing an ANZAC badge, the proceeds of the sale of these badges go towards providing financial assistance to our returned service men and women.

Lest we forget


Motherless Daughters 2017 Mother’s Day Celebration

On Saturday 13th May, 2017 I am pleased to host the second consecutive Motherless Daughters Mother’s Day Celebration in Warrnambool Victoria.

Last year I was approached by Hope Edelman, the American author of the book “Motherless Daughters” to see if I was interested, and indeed capable, of arranging a celebration where local women who had lost their Mum could come together at a time of year that many of us find particularly difficult.

I mustered the strength to say “yes” and was joined on the day by 28 women who shared the common bond of being a Motherless Daughter.

Hope recently reached out to me again, and I was pleased to tell her that I already had the ball rolling!

For 2017 I have simplified the event to be FREE – all I ask is that you reserve your place using this link, and bring along some money for your morning tea and a gold coin donation to Hospice in the Home.

Please share this event with any woman you know, of any age, who resonates with not having a Mum in their life – here is the link to the Facebook event.


Happy Easter 2017

By the time this goes to air, Easter will be over for another year and most of us back to school and work.  I do hope you enjoyed a nice break, perhaps with the Easter Bunny and your family and friends.

This year sees Easter, ANZAC Day and the Warrnambool May Race carnival fall one after the other which means here in Warrnambool (where I am based), we have four weeks in a row that include a public holiday instead of a work day.  And even if you’re not in Warrnambool but are elsewhere in Australia or New Zealand you’d have three weeks in a row like this.  I’m curious, do you feel extra pressure because of these public holidays?

I love having a mini break, but admit that so many public holidays close together can wreck havoc on productivity, especially in a small business.  So what are my tips for staying on track?

  • I believe in the power of “The List” – I am an ardent list maker and I believe having a list can assist in prioritising workflow.  Include sections in your list for urgent and non-urgent matters, and then schedule time to complete each job, just don’t take up all your time preparing the list!
  • question the necessity for a face to face meeting prior to scheduling it, and if it is required, place a reasonable time limit on the meeting
  • recognise that everyone is in the same predicament of short weeks and as such it is courteous to provide ample time for work to be completed, and
  • remember that rarely will the world end if something doesn’t get done.  I’m all for working towards deadlines and appreciate there are some very time sensitive matters, but let’s keep our emotions in check and look out for our well being too

If you have any further tips to keep on top of things during this avalanche of public holidays, please share them.
