Staff training for retention.

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????As a small business with staff, it can be difficult to compete with bigger corporations when it comes to salaries and wages.

But in relation to retaining staff, there are many other ways you, as a small business, can provide value to your employees as a way of keeping them satisfied!

Employees love to feel like they make a difference to your business, and they like to feel their contribution is appreciated – what better way to convey that message to them than by enhancing their skills with training.

I strongly encourage each employer to sit down with their employees at least annually and discuss the employees goals and aspirations, and set out a training schedule to benefit both the staff member and the business – a win-win situation if you like!

For tips on training and developing your staff, take a look at your State or Territory’s business organisation, here is the link for Business Victoria.

Let me know, how do you and your employees work out their training requirements and how does it benefit you?



Motherless Daughters 2016

MOTHERLESS DAUGHTERSIn June 2000 I lost my Mum, and each and every day since then I have missed her – but Mother’s Day is always harder than most of the other days…

In 2002 I was introduced to the book “Motherless Daughters” written by Hope Edelman (I wrote about this recently on my Bron Levett Author Facebook page) and I also follow Hope on social media – she has done a tremendous job of building a community…

This year I have organised the first ever Victorian Motherless Daughters Mother’s Day Celebration.

On Sunday May 1st from 10am til noon, if you are a woman who has lost your mother through death, you are welcome to join us at Club Warrnambool for the chance to reminisce, remember and celebrate your journey.

Tickets are $30 and include a delicious morning tea and your choice of tea or coffee (Click here to book)

To ensure every Motherless Daughter has the opportunity to attend, there are 5 tickets available to students and 5 tickets available to low income earners free of charge – should you wish to nominate a recipient of these tickets, please e-mail by close of business Friday 22nd April, 2016 and the recipients will be notified by Sunday 24th April, 2016.

Oh, and profits from the day will be donated to Warrnambool’s Hospice in the Home.

Please share with your friends and family who may like to attend.



Interest Received

dollar signI’m sure I’ve said it before, but I’m happy to say it again – please make sure you declare all of your interest received!

I know it sounds simple, yet many taxpayers ignore those small amounts and in the end it costs them.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) are advised by all banking institutions of interest they have paid on accounts held, so eventually the ATO will catch up with you.

When that happens the ATO will issue you with an amended assessment of your income tax for the relevant year and may impose a penalty or interest on the amount outstanding…eeck!

The easiest way to avoid this situation is to access your internet banking for all bank accounts after the end of the financial year and print a summary of your accounts to provide to your accountant – so easy!

Go on, put a note in your diary and make me a happy accountant!



Nil Activity Statement?

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????If you’re a small business and you find yourself in the situation where you have no transactions to report to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on your Business Activity Statements (BAS) – did you know you still have to let the ATO know?

You can lodge a “Nil Activity Statement” in the same way you would normally lodge an activity statement with transactions and a balance payable or refundable, or you can phone the ATO on 13 72 86 and lodge your Nil Activity Statement over the phone using the automated service.

If you fail to lodge an activity statement, even when you have no payment obligation, you may be penalised…and no-one wants that!
