Are you SuperStream ready?

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????If you’re in business I’m really hoping you’ve heard about SuperStream by now!

The ATO have been working towards this for a very long time, and the deadline for small employers to be SuperStream compliant, 30th June, 2016, is fast approaching!

SuperStream is a requirement to make all superannuation contributions electronically AND it means sending employee information electronically in a standard format.

The good news is that if you’ve taken note of my love of the Xero accounting program, and you’re using the “auto super” function….you’re compliant!

Read more about SuperStream on the ATO website here.



Gold Coast businesses and the ATO microscope!

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????The ATO have advised that they will be visiting a number of businesses in the Gold Coast area as part of an on-going program into the restaurant, café and take-away industries.

The primary aim of the program is to  protect honest businesses from facing unfair competition from those who don’t like to do the right thing…

A snapshot from their press release:

“Honest businesses can face unfair tax competition when competitors don’t lodge, don’t report all of their income, pay cash wages without properly accounting for them or don’t contribute super for their staff.

In all, we’ll be visiting around 250 businesses in the Gold Coast to talk about a range of topics, including business registration, record-keeping, superannuation and lodgement.

Where taxpayers are unwilling to work with us or continue to cause us concern, we will undertake further investigation.  In Sydney and Melbourne,for example, we have now moved to auditing businesses that didn’t want to work with us”

It pays to get advice, it pays to be honest and it pays to co-operate!



How to avoid self sabotage

square-corporate-logo1Our next Business in Heels – South West Victoria event is coming up on Wednesday 15th June, 2016!

To be held in the newly opened Middle Island Bar at Rafferty’s Tavern in Warrnambool, I am pleased to introduce our guest speaker…me!

After discussing all the “happenings” in my business with one of our previous speakers, it was her suggestion that I put my hand up to speak myself – so here I am!

Have you ever noticed that sometimes we can be our own worst enemy?

The concept of “Self-Sabotage” is certainly not new, but would you know how to identify these habits and what you can do to avoid them?

This is exactly the work I am doing as part of Bron Levett Coaching and I am looking forward to sharing these tips with the lovely ladies of Business in Heels – South West Victoria.

As usual there’ll be bubbles and canapés, door prizes and goodie bags…and gorgeous shoes!

Remember, membership is free!  Here’s the link to grab your ticket:



Conscious HypnosisHave you heard my latest news?  I am now a Certified Conscious Hypnosis Consultant!

Now before you think I’m out to make you cluck like a chicken…that’s not what this is about.

Conscious hypnosis is a science; a science of communication, observation and mastering of states, with the purpose of changing the brain.

To be great we must install great habits, but what happens when the thoughts we have limit how great we are?  In business we all want to succeed, and we must lease great strategies and install great habits to do so, and I can help!

The roadblocks of business that can be overcome with the use of conscious hypnosis are many and varied, and include:

  • procrastination
  • public speaking
  • confidence
  • stress relief

Imagine if you could rid yourself of one of these?  How would it feel?  How would your life be improved?  As a member of the International Conscious Hypnosis and NLP Society, I guarantee I will look after you.

Interested?  Contact me now!
