Office life and personal leave

We’re well into Winter and colds and flu are already running rampant.

Here at The Tax Chic I urge you to take care of yourself, and if you are unwell then you certainly should avail yourself of your personal leave – I only ask that you be respectful to your employer by informing them as early as possible that you will be absent, adhere to your employer’s policy and use the time you take to genuinely rest and recuperate so you are refreshed and rearing to go on your return.  If you are concerned that your need for time off is being caused by deeper issues (such as stress), now is the time to speak up.

Australia (and New Zealand) are among the most generous in the world when it comes to leave entitlements, but it doesn’t take much of a staff absence to really impact on the performance of a small business.

It’s one thing to state that businesses should be prepared for all contingencies, but contingencies cost money, money many small businesses simply don’t have.

So please be fair (this is a message for both employees and employers).


2017 Inspiration Series – June

The June instalment of the Business in Heels – South West Victoria 2017 Inspiration Series is coming up next Wednesday 14th June.

You too can join in the fun and festivities at Proudfoot’s Boathouse from 6.30pm- 8.30pm.

You’ll receive a drink on arrival and canapes prepared from fresh local produce – plus you’ll have the chance to meet and connect with like-minded business and professional women from across our region.

Membership is FREE, and if you join as a member you can come along to all our events for just $40 each – here’s the booking link for next week.

Our inspiring special guest for June is Bess Slater – from events to fundraising, and boxing
to trekking and pretty much anything in between, Bess is as versatile as she is inspiring – and she has just arrived home from the Great Wall of China!  PLUS we’ll be supporting one of Bess’ favourite non-profit organisations, Lifeline South West Vic.

One of our April attendees sent this feedback “Thanks for an inspiring evening! There are wonderful women in Warrnambool. It was great to meet some of them last night.”  It’s lovely to hear nice things about our events and that our members feel so positive when they leave.

I do hope to see you there, and I would ask that you share the details with your network.

PS As always there is a prize for the best shoe (heel or flat, we don’t mind!)


Excuses, excuses!

Oh dear…Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand (CAANZ) recently asked the Australian Taxation Office and New Zealand’s Internal Revenue for the strangest excuses they’ve heard from taxpayers for not paying their tax debts or lodging their income tax returns.

The excuses included the following (don’t try these on me or you may find me questioning you):

  • I need an extension because I am going to a wedding
  • My mailbox is full of grass and weeds so I didn’t receive any ATO correspondence or lodgement reminder letters
  • Snails eat our mail, so your lodgement demand letter must have been eaten
  • My puppy got into the letter box and ate it
  • The parrot are the reminder letter
  • I can’t do it because I’m helping someone else do theirs
  • The mailman stole it
  • My ex-husband steals my mail
  • I just got divorced and my ex has all the files and our computer
  • I had a fight with my wife and she works for my tax agent so I couldn’t meet with him
  • I couldn’t lodge my 2003 tax return because I was suffering from pre-trauma from a serious car accident I had in 2007
  • I broke my wrist six months ago and it has been a long road to recovery
  • I didn’t know the due date (from an employer fort he past 20 years)
  • My client can’t lodge because she is currently at the North Pole

Oh dear indeed….if you are ever unsure of a lodgement or payment deadline, just ask!


Courtesy of May/June 2017 Acuity magazine provided to members of CAANZ


Welcome to Winter

How is it the first day of Winter already? Oh well, I guess it is time to get warm!

A couple of months ago I renewed my energy supplier contract, and since then I have been receiving weekly emails detailing my energy usage – being the numbers girl that I am, I find this quite interesting.

I have also found that I am more conscious of the energy I use (I love a warm house and we all know how expensive this can get in Winter,  so I need to ensure I can save some $$ anywhere I can) – has anyone else seen these updates?

Winter also means June, and June 30th, the end of the financial year here in Australia is fast approaching.

If you’re looking for some advice, want information on accounting systems or other office procedures, or you need some motivation to renew YOUR energy, remember The Tax Chic offers a 90 minute consultation (in person or via video Skype) for just $275 – simply email to arrange a time!
