Monthly Archives: January 2018

Training time

If you haven’t already, now is a great time to start planning your training for the year.

It doesn’t matter where you sit within your organisation, everyone has room for improvement.

My mindset has always been “be your best” – the very best version of yourself on any given day with the resources you have at your disposal.

So whether it’s professional training, a software update or working on your soft skills – plan, learn and implement.

What’s on your training agenda for the year?


Australia Day 2018

Tomorrow is 26th January, the day we celebrate Australia Day.

It is a national public holiday and this year sees us all enjoy a three day weekend (who doesn’t love a three day weekend?)*

Across the country communities will gather to hear from Australia Day Ambassadors,  welcome new Australian citizens, and to acknowledge those within our communities who go the extra mile with the annual Australia Day Awards.

For the third year running I am proud to be the MC of the Australia Day ceremony in my hometown of Warrnambool.  If you’re in the area you can join in the official ceremony from 10am – 12 noon and then stay until 4pm for the entertainment – thankfully the weather is looking great.

Whatever your plans this Australia Day, please enjoy yourself and be safe.

*I realise not everyone gets to enjoy a three day weekend, and I absolutely acknowledge those of you who will be working this weekend!



Back to school sales

Schools across the country head back soon and this is your timely reminder that the reduced speed limit in school zones is 40km per hour!

But what about the back to school sales? How can you use them to your advantage?

Obviously parents need to fill their book lists, but if you have the capability, now is a great time to stock up on supplies your children will need later in the year. Apart from getting a bargain, having stock on hand is a fabulous chance to reduce your stress levels when little Johnny needs a glue stick but it’s 9pm on a Sunday night…

We also know that kids seem to start growing as soon as the school uniforms are purchased – how about using lay-by to purchase the next size up? Most lay-by options offer an 8 week payment plan which gives you around two months to complete your purchase.

If you’re in business, these sales can help you and your budgeting too!  There is no harm is stocking up on pens and paper (or whatever your stationery requirements are).  Things that never go out of style or date and that are used regularly can often be purchased for a fraction of the cost in the “Back to School” sales.  I also like to idea of picking up one of the  pretty pens and notebooks that are currently on offer.

How will you be availing of the back to school sales?


Xero – it’s never too late

It’s never too late in the financial year to start a Xero file.

One of the great things about Xero is the ability to import prior transactions direct from your bank and then use the cash coding function to code the entries in bulk.

To read more about Xero you can search on my website or go to

For a consultation tailored to YOUR needs, contact The Tax Chic!
