For some it’s the last day of November, for others it’s the night before they put their Christmas tree up and for many it’s just a Thursday – but for me, today is “birthday month eve”!
I was born on 2nd December, so my birthday is this Saturday, but I tend to celebrate for a full month. In truth, celebrations started last weekend when I had the chance to spend time with some friends at a concert, and this year they’ll likely conclude before Christmas (Christmas is really important now that we have an almost 3 year old in the family!)
My birthday is shared with my Mum, and I often feel a little ‘funny’ celebrating when Mum isn’t here to participate – but in recent years I’ve learned to remember the good times we enjoyed and I really embrace the special connection formed by having the same birthday.
Happy birthday to all Sagittarius out there, I hope you enjoy your celebrations this month!