I was reading the RACV Royalauto magazine and it included an article about an elderly couple who had won a holiday to Thailand just by buying gift vouchers at their local RACV store.
Each month the husband would go into the RACV store and buy a number of Woolworths WISH Gift Cards – using his RACV membership he obtained a 5% discount and then he and his wife used the cards for groceries, fuel and other purchases from within the Woolworths group.
What a fabulous budgeting idea?
Buy a $100 gift card for $95, buy grocery items on sale and then use your fuel discount voucher and fill the car with the balance of the gift card (obviously I know $100 is unlikely to be enough for many households, but the maths was easy to calculate in my head!)
If I can get myself organised then I think I might try this (here’s the link to the website if you want to check it out), there’s also a heap of other savings that you can make – I’m now a ‘Gold’ member of RACV (feeling old), so I might as well make use of my membership!
Let me know how you go.