Monthly Archives: December 2016

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

To each and every one of you reading this, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thankyou so much for your support throughout 2016, it has been an honour to share this space with you.

Please be safe over the festive season, give yourself a chance to recharge the batteries and enjoy time with your loved ones.

I’ll be taking a short break and will see you back in early 2017!


Christmas shopping 2106

I feel I should pre-face this post by stating the obvious – if you’re just starting your Christmas shopping now…you don’t have much time!

Over the years I’ve gone from being an absolute organised Christmas shopper with all gifts wrapped and under the tree by now, to someone who doesn’t mind leaving things to the last couple of weeks (I did say weeks and not days…)

These days there’s so much pressure from each direction to give as much as you can and to get your gift absolutely right, all while being ethical.

Given that, here are my “rules”:

– shop local when you can but realise there will be times when you can’t pass up a bargain or can’t make it to the shops during office hours, or you simply can’t get what you need and as such online shopping is perfectly OK

– giving gift vouchers to someone who is difficult to buy for is also perfectly OK, they can get what they need and you know you haven’t wasted your money

– if you can’t donate money to charity, try and volunteer time, likewise if you can’t volunteer time to charity, try and donate money – either way every little bit counts

At the end of the day I’m happy with anything that alleviates, or at least doesn’t add to, the stress of the festive season, there’s really no need for that!

Look after yourselves out there…


The Wheel of Life

Ah, life can be relaxing and stressful, sometimes both at the same time!

At any point there are eight areas of our life we are trying to juggle, and not surprisingly, some areas usually suffer while others move full steam ahead.

But how do you know where you should focus your efforts to try and even things out?

Bron Levett Coaching offers a personalised Wheel of Life analysis for just $75, and this is a great place to start.

The Wheel of Life analysis asks you series of questions and encourages you to consider all areas of your life honestly.

The result is a personal picture of where life sits for you now, and of course then you’ll know exactly how to move forward – you might even consider hiring Bron as your coach to get you through?

Please email or contact us here to book your session.


Dodgy deductions exposed – the round up

Over the past few weeks we’ve explored some of the case studies the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) have released regarding taxpayers who have had some of their deductions disallowed.

Claiming expenses you are not entitled to can become a very costly exercise!

Here’s a summary of the case studies:

Case study 1

Case study 2

Case study 3

Case study 4

Case study 5

They certainly make for some interesting reading…
