The ATO have advised that they will be visiting a number of businesses in the Gold Coast area as part of an on-going program into the restaurant, café and take-away industries.
The primary aim of the program is to protect honest businesses from facing unfair competition from those who don’t like to do the right thing…
A snapshot from their press release:
“Honest businesses can face unfair tax competition when competitors don’t lodge, don’t report all of their income, pay cash wages without properly accounting for them or don’t contribute super for their staff.
In all, we’ll be visiting around 250 businesses in the Gold Coast to talk about a range of topics, including business registration, record-keeping, superannuation and lodgement.
Where taxpayers are unwilling to work with us or continue to cause us concern, we will undertake further investigation. In Sydney and Melbourne,for example, we have now moved to auditing businesses that didn’t want to work with us”
It pays to get advice, it pays to be honest and it pays to co-operate!

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