There are some key things you can do to achieve this and it starts with knowing your niche market. If you know your niche market (sometimes referred to as your target market), then you know who you want to attract to your business and it makes a fabulous starting point for everything that follows.
Always, always think “Marketing”, not whatever it is you do…for example a plumber should think “Marketing” not plumbing, and a baker should think “Marketing” not baking…this comes down to wearing your marketing hat rather than your service provider hat.
Embrace systems and structure to provide a consistent experience to customers and clients and to save time (have you heard the saying ‘time is money’), and embrace automation; this too can save time and money and hence increase your income!
Consider your suite of products. This doesn’t have to be physical products, it may be webinars, workshops and newsletters, anything to get your business in front of your niche market.
Finally, ask for referrals – there is no shame in this! Encourage them and reward them and everyone will feel good!