With only four weeks until Christmas, I thought I’d dedicate the rest of the calendar year to answering your questions…so, what do you want to know?*
As an added bonus, for the first 10 people to ask a question, I’ll donate an extra $1 to the Warrnambool SES as per my post last week (you can read it here if you missed it!)
I really hope you will take this opportunity to learn something new or clarify an issue you’ve got – you are welcome to comment on this blog post via the website, comment on the Facebook link, or if you prefer to remain anonymous you may consider sending me a private e-mail (bron@thetaxchic.com) or Facebook message.
I look forward to hearing from you!
*Please do not include personal details in your message, all responses will be generic in nature as per the Important Information on the website, specific advice can only be provided by way of private accountant/client arrangement.