Monthly Archives: August 2015

BizFest 2015 – Success!

2015 Bizfest setupThe sole purpose of this blog post is to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Karen Foster and the team at o2Media!

o2Media were responsible for organising and co-ordinating BizFest in Warrnambool on Monday, and I am pretty confident in saying that everyone who attended had a great time!

The picture on the left is The Tax Chic’s stand in the expo area in the Foyer at Warrnambool’s Lighthouse Theatre (apologies for the quality of the photo, there’s only do much I can do with an iPhone…) – I personally had an enjoyable and productive day with lots of visitors and plenty of people to talk to.

The hi-lights of the day were definitely hearing from Jim Penman (CEO of the Jim’s Group) and Carolyn Creswell (founder of Carmans) – being able to hear their success stories as they visit my hometown was certainly inspiring!

Of course another hi-light was presenting my own workshop session “Update, Understand and Analyse your Accounts”, and I thank each of the participants for coming along.

Make sure you check out the rest of the Small Business Festival, there’s still plenty of events being held right across the state…but I’m off to a conference for the rest of the week, no doubt I’ll be experiencing some brain overload come Friday night!

Enjoy the rest of your week!



Invoicing with Xero

xero-certified-advisor-logo-hires-RGBLike most computerised accounting systems, Xero offers its users the opportunity to create invoices for customers…nothing new there…

But, one of the great features of Xero is being able e-mail your invoices to your customers!

The added bonus is that this process is as easy as entering the e-mail address of the customer in their record, there’s no complex e-mail system set up, and you can even send yourself a copy as well.

Xero allows you to work smarter with online invoicing software.

You can create professional looking invoices including your own personal brand or logo using the templates provided, or by customising your own.

Other features are recurring invoices, scheduling bill payments to match your expected cashflow and sending invoices to groups of customers – all with the click of a button (or the touch of your screen if you’re working on your tablet or smartphone!)…

…that’s right, you can even send invoices from your tablet or smartphone while you’re out and about!

To find out more about Xero, contact me for a consultation.



Introducing Business in Heels – South West Victoria

corproate-logo-png1I am pleased to announce that I have been appointed Branch Director of Business in Heels – South West Victoria!

Business in Heels is a global women’s networking organisation driven by the understanding that women do it differently! It’s women’s business networking at its best.

Through their digital networks and regular series of localised events around the world they inspire savvy, stylish women with an entrepreneurial spirit, to connect and find a way of working together.

If you are a savvy, professional businesswoman, wanting to do it your way or help others do it theirs, then Business in Heels is for you!

Whether you work from home, or are an executive business woman, you will find the support you need to access business resources such as business grants and all the professional services you need to achieve your business goals. Professional business networking with like minded women in business will make sure you are connected with many business opportunities and choices.

The South West Victoria branch covers Warrnambool, Hamilton, Camperdown, Portland and everywhere in between – so please share this new initiative with everyone you know in those areas!

To connect with us, please visit our website and join our Facebook group…and stay tuned for details of our launch event!



Lost superannuation reminder!

Nest EggI love it when I’m sitting here considering my list of blog post ideas, when all of a sudden someone contacts me with a query – bingo, blog post idea!

I’ve written about lost superannuation before, you can read those posts here and here, but this is a topic you will see me raise every so often, because it’s important!

The client who contacted me has led a wonderfully fulfilling life working across our beautiful country, as well as travelling the world…but during that time, with a new superannuation fund at most jobs and multiple address changes…things have gotten out of hand.

I’m so pleased she has contacted me to start the process of finding her lost superannuation, once she gets this organised I know she will feel comfortable with her superannuation situation and she’ll be in a position to take control!

The first port of call is still the Lost Members Register, you’ll need a MyGov account to access the register, but from there the SuperMatch tool will assist you to bring it all together.

If you’ve got any queries on this, please contact me.
