The WDCHI was established in 2010 with the intention to bring “hospice care” to those in need in the Warrnambool area.
The President of the WDCHI, Dr Eric Fairbank, presented some alarming facts at the launch, including:
- 85% of people die from a chronic illness (such as cancer, organ failure, frailty and dementia)
- 70% of patients would prefer to die at home
- Less than 15% of patients actually do die at home
The reasons for not dying at home include not being prepared for death, not wanting to be a burden on family and friends, and the fact that end of life care is exhausting for carers.
The “Hospice in the Home” project is designed to supplement and collaborate with existing palliative care services, to provide end of life care to patients who have a primary carer available and have symptoms which are able to be managed at home.
This care will be provided by specially trained volunteers, under the supervision of a palliative care nurse consultant, and will give people who want to die at home a real chance of doing so. At the same time family and friends will be supported and the burden on hospitals and nursing homes may be somewhat eased.
What a fabulous forward thinking initiative this is, I’m both proud and excited to be involved.
If you’d like to make a tax deductible donation to WDCHI, please send me a message and I will provide you with the relevant details.