You probably also realise I have a university degree right?
I’ve also completed the Chartered Accountants Program, am a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and the holder of a Public Practice Certificate…are you still with me?
I won’t talk about my membership of the National Tax Accountant’s Association, my Xero Certified Advisor status or my Registered Tax Agent status…or maybe I just did?
What I want to ask you is – did you know that on top of all of this, I have to undertake 120 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) on a rotating three year basis? Each year must involve at least 20 hours and the maximum time allowed to be allocated to technical reading is 10 hours per year…
Why am I telling you this? Because I think it’s important for everyone to realise we accountants and tax advisors do a heck of a lot of study and continuing education just so we can go to work each day and do the best we can for you – our clients.
We are the trusted advisor, please respect the craft.
PS that was on the verge of being a rant, no offence intended I’m just standing my ground over a comment made recently, thanks for indulging me!
Hey Bron,
I guess some people just see the pretty red bag with “The Tax Chick”.
Little do they know it is filled with all the tools of the accounting trade along with a wealth of information contained in your head, in order to craft the best outcome for your clients.
In my industry I get the same unqualified comments from less competent people, who think they know better.
Just remember that your the one who has the qualifications, does the study, belongs to professional organisations and actively networks in your field.
Ignore those doubters and keep up the good work!
Hi Tim, thanks for your message – I love that analogy of my handbag (it’s also ironic in a practical sense as I’ve been known to pull my calculator out of my handbag while out and about over the weekend…). I appreciate your support and understanding. Bron
Ground well stood! Like all worthwhile careers, learning goes on for a lifetime and accumulated experience is golden. That red bag and wise head must be laden with tools and knowledge that can and does benefit others. Positive self talk recommended because your sound self belief is well founded
Oh goodness, thanks Ros! I don’t often articulate these concerns as I’d rather just get on with the job…but when I sit back and look at my career, I know I can be proud of everything I’ve done – as everyone should be!