Individual Income Tax
Completing your individual income tax return has never been easier!
Once established on our system, you can use the App (available on iTunes and Android) and have your tax return completed from the comfort of your own home (or wherever you may be!), gone are the days of “making an appointment to see your accountant”
Standard income tax returns from just $165* – simply Contact us and I’ll walk you through the process, you won’t even need to print anything!
Are you a Small Business owner?
Bron specialises in assisting small business owners to establish their business, including policies and procedures, record keeping and of course, all things to meet your tax obligations.
A 90 minute initial consultation will see you on the receiving end of Bron’s expertise, all tailored to your specific circumstances – your investment is just $275, Contact us today (Skype appointments readily available)
*reasonable additional fees in increments of $55 for rental schedules, business income and complex deductions will apply
Please refer to the Important Information regarding your engagement of The Tax Chic.