Numbers, numbers, numbers – it’s safe to say I LOVE numbers!
As a business owner or taxpayer, you have your own numbers you have to remember and deal with…think Australian Business Number (ABN), Australian Company Number (ACN) and Tax File Number (TFN) to name a few.
Add to that bank account and credit card numbers, registration, membership and subscription numbers, account numbers for gas, electricity, telephone, internet and every invoice it is possible to receive…It’s enough to drive you nuts!
But today I want to focus on the Australian Business Number or ABN (not to be confused with ABN Number…some of my friends will get that reference!)
The ABN is a unique identifier issued by the Australian Business Register (ABR) which is maintained by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
While the rules are quite specific, in essence, an entity carrying on an enterprise in Australia is required to have an ABN.
As a business or a consumer, you can check the ABN details, as well as GST (Goods and Services Tax) and DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient) status of a business or entity, by using the ABN Lookup tool.
Unsure if you need an ABN? Read about ABN Entitlement here, or contact Our Partner for a consultation.
I went to the ATM machine at 8am this morning (got my PIN number right) and as I reversed back I remembered yesterday’s unexpected surprise! A free gift! I’d registered by ABN number with a grammar school and I’d won a lesson in good English!
Oh Samantha…that line was just for you! I knew you’d understand…
Tax Blog, I love it!!!
Following from Blogging AtoZ.
I’m writing “Things My Husband Has Broken” A to Z at http://AMomsPointOfView.com
Come by and check it out.
Thanks for stopping by…if you have any friends in Australia, please send them my way!