I know that being an Accountant is not the most glamorous job in the world…but I am a nerd at heart. I love working with numbers, solving problems and boy oh boy, when a transaction balances…yes, I do the fist pump!
But did you know that I’m also a fitness instructor, a trainer and assessor, a community volunteer, Board member for a non-profit organisation?? I’m also a shopper (big time!), a coffee lover and I’m partial to a beer/wine/cider or two occasionally. I love chick flicks…which I usually watch at home with subtitles…why? Because I’m hearing impaired…
See? There is so much more to me than being an Accountant…as there is so much more to everyone I know, than their job description.
I challenge each of you to find out something about your friends or colleagues that you didn’t know before…you might be surprised!
Let me know what you find out.
Are you trying to change my perceptions about accountants? :))
I wouldn’t dare! But hoping your perception of “The Tax Chic” is a positive one!
I need a calculator to check my third grader’s homework, lol. Numbers and math are definitely not my cup of tea
I’m always in awe of people who can actually make sense of them!
It’s really neat that you’re also a fitness instructor! I’m currently doing a body-weight strength training program and after I finish that up I’ll be starting to build my home weight room
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier, I’m bookmarking yours and I’ll be checking in throughout the challenge!
Finley Jayne
Thanks for visiting Finley Jayne! Good luck with the challenge and your training!